Sunday, April 1, 2007

Busy Little Bumble Bee

My little angel is such a busy bee. He wants to touch everything he sees. The waxed floor, ooh, Gotta have it. The wood on the back of the couch, ooh, gotta have it. The newspaper, ooh, gotta have it. I have been so exhausted lately I am surprised I have not fallen on my face yet from being so tired. I don't know if this is exactly what I was expecting when I was pregnant but I am enjoying every bit of my insomnia. It is all worth it in the end. In the middle of the night when he wakes up screaming and you just fell asleep thirty minutes ago, you just want to be angry but you can't. How can you resist the cute little bundle of joy looking up at you waiting for you to comply with his needs. The chubby cheeks and the mouth full of gums and two white little specks, oh wait those are teeth. Every inch of a child is precious and sacred.

Oh how I get off track of what I was writing about originally. Just like my mother. My son has just started rolling over and instead of going forward on his tummy he goes backwards. Its hilarious. What really isn't hilarious is when I am coming from the car to the house and I have my pump, the diaper bag, my purse and a cooler on one shoulder and I have my son on the other and out of nowhere he decides the microscopic rock on the ground is something he absolutely must have. And he goes for it. I think my back is going to break.

Anyways it is all part of the wonderful makeup that God has given to us in the gift of a child. I love it, maybe not at the time my back is breaking but about a minute later.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my precious baby boy and for the many joys that come a long with him. Thank you for keeping him healthy and I pray that you always protect him and keep him safe from all harm and danger. I pray that he lives a long happy, healthy life and that you would bless his future with only the best. I also pray that I am here long enough to see my great grand children, if you bless me with those also.


1 comment:

garden.girl said...

what a lucky little boy he is to have you for a mom! I think you are getting a workout every day with him. You should be ready for a marathon or something by the time he is a year old.